9th Edition of International Conference on
Title: Targeting Myc pathway with herbal medicine in liver cancer and melanoma
Title: The new paradigm of teslas vibrational medicine has arrived
Title: Yang Sheng (nurturing life) through energetic management
Title: The health effect of living your vocation according to taoist face reading
Title: Potassium channels: Targets for multiple therapeutic actions of herbal medicines
Title: Remission of type 2 diabetes by diet treatment: The UK diabetes remission clinical trial (DiRECT)
Title: The traditional medicine in Mascareines islands (Indian Ocean)
Title: Antibacterial action of Corsican honeys on nosocomial and foodborne pathogens
Title: Ethnopharmacology and ethnocosmetic in Terra Cha (Galicia) Spanish northwest region
Title: Working with Ma through rolfing structural integration - New perspectives of manual intervention
Title: Traditional dietetic treatment - From Hippocrates to China
Title: Systematic review of published data on herb induced liver injury (HILI)
Title: A new way of drug R & D - Guided by methodology of reverse pharmacology
Title: Antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants from Burkina Faso
Title: The tongue features associated with chronic kidney disease (stage3-5)
Title: Ayurvedic aromatherapy: The application of modern aromatherapy in ancient ayurveda
Title: Effects of an aqueous Morinda citrifolia fruit extract on indomethacin induced gastric ulcer in rats
Title: Biofeedback, mineral salts and bach remedies: A powerful combination
Title: Decolonizing minds attitudes and practices of health practitioners
Title: Traditional Medicine in healthcare: The concerns of safety, efficacy and regulation in Kenya
Title: Dynamic treatment of autism by acupuncture with the integration of TCM and early intervention
Title: Posture and its effect on muscle tension, health and well-being