9th Edition of International Conference on
Title: Breaking boundaries: Integrating homeopathy and psychotherapy 2.0 for swift trauma resolution
Title: Reiki practice, a bridge between traditional & conventional medicine
Title: Improved mental wellness and physical health through an online ayurvedic purification treatment
Title: Natures pharmacy and lymphoedema - case studies on how essential oils help
Title: An investigation of aromatic plant medicine within peruvian traditional healing practices
Title: Challenges on working with a glioblastoma patient- A case study
Title: Effect of an online ayurveda program on mental and physical health in home-based adults
Title: Rethinking emotional disorders and their treatment options
Title: Cacay oil, a powerful and natural ingredient of cosmetic and dermatological impact
Title: Nutraceuticals and functional foods for healthy ageing and brain health
Title: The transfer of a traditional oriental music therapy into a modern European healthcare system
Title: Anti-viral and anti-tumoral traditional therapies with essential oils
Title: Use of ayurvedic “precision medicine” in selecting best appropriate treatment for patients
Title: Traditional knowledge of flora and ethno-medicine practices among the tribes of India
Title: Ayurveda nano medicines for health of world population
Title: Homoeopathic medicine arsenicum album induces immunomodulation in zebrafish embryos
Title: Treatment of malnourished children by ayurvedic principles w.s.r to Charakokta Dashemani
Title: Sustainable agriculture systems to produce medicinal and aromatic plants
Title: Effect of ghx02 on an asthma-rhinitis mouse model induced by ovalbumin and diesel particulate matter
Title: Pharmacoacupuncture therapy for dizziness in traditional korean medicine: A systematic review
Title: Multiple sclerosis - Ayurveda successful case reports
Title: Integration of complementary health approaches into occupational therapy practice
Title: Holistic perspective of ayurved tradition need of era
Title: Assessment and prospects of meridian-Based acupuncture treatment for endocrine imbalances