9th Edition of International Conference on
Title: Change your genes - Change your life: Epigenetics of human longevity
Title: Identification, a modern and serious pathology that humanity suffers from today
Title: Will be Updated Soon....
Title: Harmonization of nutrition claims in case of catering products
Title: Engaging medical students with the community through service-learning programs
Title: Frequency medicine - An ancient wisdom of spiritual healing
Title: Role of ancient ayurvedic drugs in dyslipidemia- Blessings to the world
Title: Traditional healing: Exploring the ethnomedicine of the Poumai Nagas of Northeast India
Title: Growth potential of nutraceuticals in emerging countries like Bangladesh
Title: Quercetin in cancer treatment and its potential side effects
Title: Medicinal use of sea-buck thron in Badakhshan region, Tajikistan in the condition of climate change
Title: The evolving future of traditional medicine: Bridging heritage, innovation, and safety
Title: Longevity and immortality in classical chinese qigong
Title: Traditional is natural: Natural food outsmarts chemical food