The catering products are the “new wave” of the modern convenience foods in nowadays world, considering their availability in global hospitality industry (Vintila, 2021). The nutrition claims regarding the catering products formulation need to be easy-to-understand by the final consumer and to reflect the reality of the catering production system which is different from a classical food industrial routine of production. The harmonization of nutrition claims in all global catering industry, especially in restaurants, cafeterias and fast-foods, need to be science-based on proved evidences well-accepted by the global scientific community and taken in consideration by the policy makers in order to create a fair global market of catering products and convenience ingredients.
Audience Take Away Notes
- Best practices in catering industry.
- Food science solutions for allergenic components replacements in catering products.
- Certification for convenience ingredients for food intolerances formulations of the catering products.
Vintila Iuliana is actually Associate Professor, PhD in Food Science and Engineering. She is author of 23 books and book chapters in international and national publishing houses (Elsevier, Wiley, Lambert), first author and co-author for 13 articles in ISI journals and relevant ISI proceedings, 32 BDI scientific papers indexed in recognised international databases, 50 articles presented in national and international conferences and 20 articles revues. Also, she is member of prestigious international organisation such European Federation of Food Science and Technology (2009), Co-Chair WG Nutrition in Global Harmonization Initiative (since 2013), International Society of Food Engineering (2010), Balkan Environmental Association (2008), Global Environmental Standard (GES) Community of Interest (2011), European Academy for Education and Social Research (2012). She act as international projects expert for European Science Foundation, Eurostar Programme, EC « Expert area in the Participant Portal » and « Connecting Europe Facility», EU TAIEX, COST, EACEA. She is Guest Associate Editor and Research Topic Editor for “Frontiers in Food Science and Technology”, Regional Editor “Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology”, Academic Editor European Journal of Nutrition&Food Safety, Academic Editor of “Asian Journal of Food Research and Nutrition”, Editorial Board Member SciEdTech, Editorial Board Member „African Journal of Water Conservation and Sustainability”, Editorial board “Clinical Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics”, Editorial Board Member „International Journal of AgriScience, Editorial Board EC Nutrition, Editorial board “Clinical Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics”etc.