7th Edition of International Conference on
Title: Using biology of acupuncture to improve clinical acupuncture and adapt to the pandemic
Title: Delving into the dos and donts in allergy and flu season through Clinical Aromatherapy perspectives
Title: Holistic view on covid - treatments with orthomolecular vitamins, trace elements etc
Title: Organ language - How do organs communicate themselves?
Title: Music therapy for adults living with Dementia: Assessment, session planning, and lets do it!
Title: Properties of natural Cuban zeolite and its oral and topical use in human medicine
Title: In-vitro Anti-acetylcholinesterase inhibition and antioxidants of ginger plants
Title: Why homeopathy in prevention and treatment of sars-cov-2 infection?
Title: Maintenance of lesser pelvis health with body technique exercises
Title: Efficiency of using Turmeric and Cinnamon to control levels of blood sugar and blood pressure
Title: The effects of traditional herbal medicine treatment in cancer patients in Morocco
Title: The valuable germplasm resources of wild elderberry in China
Title: A pharmacognostic study of stem bark and heart wood of cedrus deodara roxb. Loud.g.don (devadaru)
Title: Harmful traditional care of fever in febrile children and mothers perception at Yaounde city
Title: From Ethnomedicine to Ethnopharmacology: An integrative experience
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