Title : Harmful traditional care of fever in febrile children and mothers perception at Yaounde city
Introduction: Fever is a common symptom in pediatric consultation. Despite being a source of concern to the family, the type of care given depends on the cultural and the social perceptions. According to some cultures, conventional methods of care are not as a definitive treatment, but an additive to traditional methods.
Method: A qualitative study was carried out on the perceptions towards fever on a non-probabilistic sample of 15 mothers of hospitalized children with cutaneous lesions due to traditional practices in Yaounde. We recorded the types of traditional care administered by the mothers and described their knowledge, and motives of such practices on their febrile children.
Results: We found that mothers knowledge on fever was insufficient. Some of the methods they used could be categorized as child abuse. It mainly consisted in forceful ingestion of infusions or scarifications with the intend to cure the spleen, which is believed to be responsible of health issues in children. Despite being aware of the dreadful consequences of their actions, mothers seek medical care only when their practices fails or when the disease worsen. Among the justifications for their actions was the cost of the formal care, influence of the relatives and their beliefs.
Conclusion: Authors believe that, it is urgent to reinforce sensitization of mothers on the various causes of fever, the harmful consequences of traditional methods on the children and the importance of seeking medical care early enough.