Title : Role of ancient ayurvedic drugs in dyslipidemia- Blessings to the world
A disorder known as dyslipidemia is characterized by harmful, atypical blood lipid content. According to recent research, the number of 15–20% of people in rural areas and 25–30% of those in cities has high cholesterol levels. Numerous serious conditions, such as atherosclerotic heart disease and cerebrovascular diseases (ASCVD), are significantly increased by it. The pathophysiology of ASCVD has been strongly associated with dyslipidemia, which is a significant independent modifiable risk factor. The incidence of ASCVD is startlingly high, where patients typically catch the illness early and have more severe symptoms with a bad prognosis. It makes sense to control dyslipidemia in a safe and efficient manner because of its significance. Currently,studies are concentrating on a number of Ayurvedic medicines for their possible application in a lipid-lowering effect. Herbal medications can be taken as separate or combined formulations, minerals. The effectiveness of several Ayurvedic herbo-mineral compositions is increased by processing them in herbal juices. Studies on phytochemistry and pharmacology are underway to determine the lipid-lowering qualities of numerous herbal plants mentioned in Ayurvedic texts during the past few decades. Additionally, Ayurvedic herbal remedies have been shown in clinical trials to effectively reduce LDL-C. The paper reviews the work done by the researchers on various Ayurvedic drugs which is having lipid lowering effect.