Dr. Md Abu Zafor Sadek is serving as Assistant General Manager at UniMed UniHealth Pharmaceuticals, one of the top tier pharmaceutical companies of Bangladesh. Dr. Zafor also worked for The World Bank, Dhaka, Bangladesh as Short-Term Consultant. Being graduated in Pharmacy from Khulna University Dr. Zafor started his career in pharmaceutical brand management. Thereafter, he completed his MBA in International Business. Dr. Zafor awarded with Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) on “Growth Potential of Biosimilars Products in Bangladesh” from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka, leading business school of the country. He has 06 publications in different local & international journals. He has presented biosimilars and other topics at different conferences across the world including 5th European Biosimilars Congress, Valencia, Spain, 2nd Biosimilars Asia-Pacific Summit, Singapore, 10th International Conference and Exhibition on Biologics & Biosimilars, Orlando, USA, World Drug Safety Conference, Boston, USA etc.
Title : Growth potential of nutraceuticals in emerging countries like Bangladesh