Title : Use of ayurvedic “precision medicine” in selecting best appropriate treatment for patients
Precision medicine is an innovative approach that uses information about an individual’s genomic, environmental and lifestyle information to guide decisions related to their medical management with the goal to provide more precise approach for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease. Ayurveda, ancient traditional medicine of India, is based on the concept of three major body’s constitution “Prakriti” and life forces (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). Perturbation of the tridoshas in an individual from his or her homeostatic state leads to diseases. These proportions of tridoshas are determined genetically (Shukra short) and are influenced by the environment (maternal diet, lifestyle) during development.” However, culture, ancestral features, and location of origin have an impact on Prakriti. Prakriti relates to the dosha balance at conception, whereas Vikruti alludes to the dosha balance in the present, and hence identifies the kind of imbalance or sickness. Prakriti and Vikruti are both made up of several “Doshas” in different quantities. Ayurveda emphasizes whole-body therapy by integrating physical, emotional, and mental health and believes that a person’s dosha, or physiological humor, affects their character and wellbeing. In this paper we will see how simple evaluating factors can easily evaluate each individual information related to his medical condition which can be used to evaluate proper and precise plan for his disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment. This evaluation also helps healthy people to prevent disease which they are prone. The purpose of this research was to understand how one can treat their patients based on the disturbances of their particular doshas to understand the quantification of the amount of disturbance followed by its restoration to their homeostatic state via proper dietary and therapeutic regimes and to help healthy people to remain so by maintaining proper diet.
Audience Take Away
- Audience will be able to understand science behind Ayurvedic doctrine
- Audience will more easily accept the theories of Ayurveda and will look at it as well studied, referenced traditional knowledge
- This surely can be used by other faculty for humanity good especially when the cost of modern medicine is almost unaffordable to Asian countries
- This paper will help audience to understand how to prevent diseases
- Any future researchers will be able to implement in their research