Title : Ayurveda nano medicines for health of world population
Ayurved caters great health solutions to human man kind since 3000 years back. The use of these medicines is widely used by traditional vaidyas/doctors for better health since ancient times in India and its neighbor countries.. The upper hand of the Ayurvedic drugs are having great efficacy and lesser side effects. As well as versatile drug choices for the use of patients. Having so many numbers of herbal and polyherbal/ herbomineral drugs it can give insight into new development of molecules for various ailments at lower doses having higher efficacy.
In Ayurveda current drug dosage forms are having some conventional approach towards drug delivery part. But need of hour is to highlight the possibilities of making these drugs at nano level. Various Ayurvedic texts given several formulations like bhasmas. Rasshastra is the main branch of Ayurveda which has highlighted these type of context for use of these drugs at nano level. There is need of critical review of current research going on this topic and what classical Ayurveda texts mentioned about these drugs and their classical references also.
The current presentation will highlight recent developments in this same field with giving classical approach towards new integrated safer drug to the patients. It can create greater chance to deliver the drugs at lower doses without affecting any efficacy of traditional drugs and having no interruption to the Ayurvedic pharmaceutical concepts. So at the end of presentation possibilities can be highlighted with solutions of traditional drugs at Nano medicines.