Title : Homoeopathie - The divine medicine
Homoeopathie – the divine medicine means a total view on our patients. Based on two examples it will be shown that the homoeopathic treatment not only improves some symptoms rather above all the emotional and mental healing is the goal of our efforts. This is a very serious difference to conventional medicine. In our time there are more and more people who are mentally ill. Many patients suffer with psychosomatic states and complaints and they are not really improved by conventional medicine. Indeed it is suppression. Especially the mental situation respectively the forced position of our patients is the real suffering. With homoeopathie we have the craft stuff to heal deep and make them free. We can rid them from bad emotions, make them better human beings and in the end make the world a better place. Therefor we can use the word divine. There is so much hate and violence and we are able to reduce this, this is the most important task we have. We should not lose us in the treatment of single physical sufferings but always keep an eye on the big goal.