9th Edition of International Conference on
Traditional medicine is an ancient system of medical practices that has been around for thousands of years. It encompasses a variety of approaches to health and healing, including herbs, dietary modifications, spiritual rituals, and physical treatments. Supplementary medicine or therapy is an aspect of traditional medicine that is gaining recognition and acceptance by the scientific community. Supplementary medicine is the practice of using non-mainstream approaches to support conventional treatments, such as massage therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal medicine, and more. It can be used to address a wide range of medical issues, including mental health, chronic pain, allergies, fertility, digestive issues, and more. Although it is not a direct replacement for medical treatment, supplementary medicine can be used to treat the same conditions and symptoms as conventional therapies. There are a number of potential benefits associated with this type of medicine, including potentially fewer, or no, side-effects in comparison to traditional treatments. In addition, supplementary medicine can work together with conventional treatments to create a complete holistic health plan. An important part of the practice of supplementary medicine is being aware of the potential risks associated with it. It is important to research and discuss any natural remedies or treatments with a qualified health professional before using them. In addition, not all forms of supplementary medicine are proven safe or effective, and understanding and evaluating the available evidence is essential. Overall, supplementary medicine offers a unique approach to health and healing, and is becoming increasingly accepted by the medical community as an effective complement to conventional treatments. While it has potential benefits, it is important to understand and take into account the potential risks associated with it before engaging in its practice.