9th Edition of International Conference on
Iridology is an alternative medical practice which examines an individual’s eyes to detect patterns, colors and other characteristics associated with various diseases. It is based on the idea that certain changes in the iris (the colored portion of the eye) can be linked to diseases in other parts of the body. Iridology has been used in traditional medicines such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and naturopathy for centuries and is still used today. Iridologists use a bright light and a magnifying lens to analyze the color and structure of an individual’s iris. This allows them to observe different areas of the eye and see if there are any patterns or inconsistencies which may indicate an underlying health concern. Iridology looks at both the pigmentation and the structure of the iris. It has been suggested that areas of increased pigmentation in the iris may be linked to the body’s internal organs or systems. Iridology also looks at the number, shape and size of any lines or markings in the iris. It is believed that certain lines and markings can be an indication of certain health concerns. Iridology is based on the idea that the eyes are the “windows to the soul” and as such, they can act as markers for the body’s ailments. Iridologists are able to identify signs of various diseases and conditions in the eyes such as hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, digestive problems, hormonal imbalances, and adrenal exhaustion. Iridology is considered a safe and non-invasive technique used to diagnose a variety of medical conditions. Even though there is limited scientific evidence to back up its claims, it is still widely used in traditional medicinal practices. The practice is not meant to replace traditional medical treatments or professional care, but instead to identify areas of health concern which can then be addressed through appropriate treatments.