Title : The Japanese secret of a long healthy life
All people want to grow old. Nobody wants to be old. So the question arises, why do you want to grow old if you don't know what for? In Japan there is a concept called Ikigai. "Iki" means «life» and "Gai" means «purpose». This philosophy has been internalized by the people of Okinawa, and in fact most people there grow very old and are very healthy. In large-scale studies it has been found that health does not depend on a healthy lifestyle. The basis for health is knowing what you want to live for in the first place. Those who do not know their "reason for being" feel an inner emptiness. The inner emptiness leads to the need to fill it. This happens to most people with unhealthy behavior. Sweet and fatty foods, lack of exercise, alcohol, smoking or in the worst case drugs. Healthiness does not remain who lives healthy, but who lives his reason of being, his Ikigai. This is confirmed by all the studies that have been conducted about this topic. What exactly is Ikigai and how can one find it? This ist he topic, the audience will learn more in this presentation. Wendelin Niederberger has developed methods that make it easy for people to find their Ikigai and integrate it into everyday life. His credo is: "You only get sick if you don't know your life's purpose."