Title : Complementary and Integrative Health (CIH) innovation Uplifting Health & Healing Practice, Education & Research
The time is now! Change is imperative if we are to survive and thrive.
The industry is focusing on medical doctors’ role and primarily issuing prescription drugs controlled by drug companies whose commitment is to their shareholders and not the client first. This realization describing the impact of lack of regulation regarding cost, misinformation lack of compatibility with clients’ life choices is wreaking havoc with individuals, families, organizations, and the political arena worldwide. Disparity is extensive worldwide focusing on the upper class who can pay for services rather than support for all practice and administered in various countries worldwide. Let us learn from other cultures what works, native to their traditions and what are potential or actual handicaps to the change that needs to happen.
A top-down approach and for those who can pay as care determined by the “boss” or “one in charge” is outdated and must be replaced now! Healing is an individual empowerment journey and path based on accurate information gathered for decision making including contributions of natural therapies, cultural specific teaching and resources to also discern contributions to choices made.
The shift to Complementary and Integrative Health (CIH) model will be discussed including multi- dimensionality approach in a soul 2 soul engagement to help “turn on the light” for the journey ahead. A brief mention of political influences shaping the health care industry will be given.
Why the topics of universal equality and planetary heath are woven into human, plant and animal health will also be addressed. We are ONE. What happens in one part affects the other and the entire world. The resource to address solutions to and for the many challenges is the Loving Power of the 7 C’s: Connection, Congruent, Communication, Compassion, Contact, Caring and Celebration!