HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Madrid, Spain or Virtually from your home or work.
Madrid, Spain
September 05-07, 2024
ICTM 2024

Utilizing reiki to accelerate your healing & transformation

Kelly Keefe, Speaker at Ethnomedicine Conferences
Heartspace, United States
Title : Utilizing reiki to accelerate your healing & transformation


Reiki is an ancient healing modality that has been practiced since the late 1800s. Its presence
has been on this planet for quite some time, however, it is only until the last decade or so that
Reiki is receiving the popularity it deserves. Why is that? Reiki has the ability to cultivate
profound healing for recipients when shared properly. The power of this gentle subtle energy for
healing the mind, body, and spirit is beginning to reach the masses. What exactly is Reiki and
how can everyone use it within their day to day lives to bring more health, happiness, and even
Reiki translates to ‘Universal Life Force Energy’. This all knowing energy full of high-frequencies
and pure intentions supports all levels of an individual being [mind, body, spirit, subconscious
mind]. The physical body is able to reach a state of homeostasis activating replenishment to the
cells, bringing forth healing on a cellular level. Advanced practitioners are able to support in
rewiring thought forms and subconscious beliefs that do not serve the individual, and also clears
the energy field of stagnant and dense energies weighing the emotional body down. Why is it
that we are not teaching our children, teachers, parents, and practitioners this modality
Reiki is a modality that anyone can learn and be attuned to. An attunement to Level 1 and/or
Level 2 significantly changes the baseline frequency of the individual allowing them to live with
an elevated mindset, physical health, and deeper connection with Spirit.
Within this workshop, we will dive deep into what Reiki is, how it works, the intricacies of energy
work at large, and how this can be utilized within many fields. All participants will also be a part
of a meditation where the group will receive Reiki to have a visceral experience of the energy
itself. Q&A as well as open-ended discussion will be had for participants to ask questions and
share their unique experiences.
How is this workshop relevant to the conference objectives?
As a modality that is deeply rooted within Traditional Medicine, this Learning Lab is going to
bring a fusion of experiential, intellectual, and educational to our participants. Reiki is a leading
tool that is easily accessible to all people of any background or age in cultivating a reduction of
stress and trauma within the recipient- bringing forth an in-depth teaching of what it is, how it
works, and what it feels like to experience it will have participants floating with a true
understanding of the energy.
Reiki is an energy that is always creating and conspiring for the highest good of all. Infusing this
workshop with this energy and for participants will also support in aligning participants into a
mindset, relaxed state, and energy for synchronicities, healing, and revelation.
This workshop will also provide practical tools to be able to use daily to clear their energy field,
calm the mind and body, and tap into their connection with a higher power.

Audience Take Away
This workshop will provide a thorough yet simple explanation of what Reiki is, how it works,
what an attunement is, and how it can be used by anyone in their day-to-day lives. We will
discuss the history of this ancient modality, science within the context of energy and energy
healing, and how it can be used in the range of daily self-care to profound deep healing of the
mind, body, and spirit.
We will have a tangible experience with the energy of Reiki followed by a discussion for all
questions and inquiries about individuals' experiences.


Dr. Kelly Keefe is a Reiki Master Teacher who has been practicing Reiki for 11 years. With over 150 students, she has a deep and thorough understanding of this energy and has supported thousands in improving their lives through the energy of it. She is currently completing her Masters in Metaphysics (Sedona University), and is an active practicing Frequency Therapist bringing her certifications in NeuroLinguistic Programming, Subconscious Mind Rewiring, and Counseling.
